Sprint Mobile Urgent Alerts

by TeleMessage



Sprint Mobile Urgent Alerts (MUA) is a personal safety service that enables field personnel, lone workers, or people at risk to immediately notify the appropriate response teams.Sprint subscribers can create an immediate assistance request, alerting multiple people when they need help. Press the Android device screen for 3 seconds — even when the device is in locked mode — to trigger the urgent alert processYou are able to send multiple concurrent messages to many different destinations and device types, i.e. text messages, voice messages and email. • The messages contain your mobile number, location address and time • SMS text messages can include a web link of your location• Voice messages include Text-to-Speech • Email messages can include a map of your location• Send alerts from lock screen without unlocking phone• Send alerts covertly, no audible indication when an alert is triggered, user selectable option• Send repeat notifications for up to 3 hours• Send alerts if you fall• Activate with SOS button on Kyocera DuraTR, Speaker button on Kyocera DuraForce ProMessages are periodically sent until the safety event is stopped.The MUA personal safety application can put the phone in speaker mode, and dial a pre-configured phone number in parallel to the alert distribution. The Sprint Mobile Urgent Alert personal safety service provides:• Assured message delivery using multiple channels: Voice calls, SMS and email• Real-time delivery status information and confirmation• Highly reliable safety service based on telco grade platform The web interface allows:• Contact and distribution lists creation• Alert template definition• Device authorizations• Real-time tracking of message delivery and replies The Mobile Urgent Alerts subscription costs $1.99 per month for the Enterprise version ($.99 for the Consumer SMS-only version) per user and will be charged on your Sprint bill. For more information: https://sem.sprint.com/mobile-urgent-alerts/You must have a Sprint Enterprise Messaging Gateway (EMG) account to subscribe to the Enterprise version of Mobile Urgent Alerts personal safety service. Subscribe for the EMG at https://sem.sprint.com/sign-up/.